Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Adios Muchacho

I don't know about you, folks, but I've had more than my fair-share of these punch-drunk "fighting men" - experiencing them, etc.. And the fact that each and every one of them (the punch-drunk ones, I'm saying) has had a thought that THIS sun, our sun, rises/falls straight up, that they can frigging dis you constantly, absent consequences - double THAT, I'm saying. Of course, the way that they fuse this asinine mixture of theirs (one part perceived self-importance, two parts paranoia), that, me-buckos, has to be the most infuriating facet, period. I mean, just take a look at this Slade Leeds character, for Christ! Talk about a major-league son-of-a-bitch, huh?


  1. Is widdle will LONELY?

  2. Will, you're wasting your time with Cliffy.

    I'm sure they wouldn't let him apply for retraining. He's what they call a "Blue Falcon"....google it.

  3. It was probably something like this:

    Oh my god it's a hangnail. An INFECTEDED hangnail. I'm sorry sir but were gonna have to medically retire you.

    Clif was probably like: Nooooo!, Wait, I'll take retraining anything!

    And the doc after being paid off by his platoon said: "sorry son, nothing we can do. You're gone".

    The doc's probably pretty popular with the rest of the men now, some are probably still buying him cases of good scotch just for getting Cliffy out.

  4. Sorry duncetron but your as far off as your butt buddy crusty was with his lies.

  5. Clif was a Blue Falcon in the military, and that's why they bounced him? Interesting. His response to you, though? Another homophobic comment. Good to see that everything's back to normal.

  6. Yo will wanna meet personally and try to read my medical records?

  7. Of course, Clif, but only with your permission. You are quite the colorful character.

  8. Why do you so hate corrections officers, Clif?

  9. I don't hate correction officers son, I have never written lengthy posts sliming them like you do veterans and especially Desert Storm veterans all the time asshole.

    Your the hatemonger turn-key.

  10. BTW did ya play hide the key with the inmates son?

  11. I don't slime "the veterans", Clif. I only take on a couple of lunatic bloggers who happen to be veterans. And I'm highly critical of "don't ask, don't tell". I don't apologize for that. I left that last inappropriate comment to show people just how homophobic you are. I should have kept the one that referred to corrections officers as "lowly prison guards", too. You're yesterday's hero, Clif - and one that never really was one.

  12. Sorry BOY but your just a punk and nothing more and will always be nothing but a 150 lb punk asswipe.

  13. Any time you want to PROVE other wise let me know boy.

  14. Izan your bass-ackwards as usual

  15. Clif, I will no longer question your incapacity to work. It's pretty damned self-evident at this point.

  16. Oh you have my MRI scans, blood work and X Rays to make that medical determination from?

    Cause that is what the real doctors used not the pretend ones on the tubes son.

  17. No, Clifford, just a behavioral assesment. (Assessment son, spelling counts ya know, at least to the wing nuts when their usual spin fails, and morons like you pretending to be intelligent.)

    Right, from a key board son, however those don't include not the tests the Army and VA used idiot.

    Hope you didn't suck as bad as a turn-key boy.

    Wanna try another "Sen Frist" style diagnosis numb-nuts?

  18. Knock off the spelling-bee stuff, Clif. "those don't include not the tests the Army and VA used idiot." Crystal-clear, Clif. A "Sen Frist" style diagnosis? Yeah, kind of like you and Mike laying that Alzheimer's diagnosis on McCain. I'm sorry, but this is getting way too easy. BOY!! LOL

  19. You complain when people say that you should work. You complain when people say that they understand how you can't work. You're very hard to satisfy, Clifford.

  20. Will I don't look to you for anything but idiotic statements and you never fail there asshole.

  21. You must thoroughly enjoy engaging in self-analysis then; a periodic perusal of your own nonsequitors, that constant striving to uncover hidden agendas, conspiracy theories, plots to persecute you, and, yes, the very imbecilic nature of your own being, etc.. Damn! Kind of a full-time job for you, I'm sure. Ooo, I probably shouldn't have used the word, job, huh? Sorry.

  22. Will you're an idiot, you want me to believe a bif time "dr" is wasting his time and band width on this crap?

    I don't give a crap what you and crusty whispher in each other ears son.

    You over estimate your relevance boy, as usual.

    You should go back to posting your idiotic diatribes about "Bill O" and the non-dates you pretend you had son,

    Bhahwhahwhahwhwhwhahwhaaa your funny son, but not in any way you could market asshole.

  23. Read that 1st sentance again, Clif. It's indecipherable! LOL I have no illusions about my own importance, Clif. That's your bag. And there you go again with the homophobic imagery. You got some major problems there, buddy. And you DO give a crap. Or else you wouldn't respond.

  24. "Idiotic diatribes"? As opposed to your much more thoughtful missives. That's so funny.

  25. Goodbye will

    You've become boring


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