Tuesday, September 23, 2008

No Need to Stretch on this One, Folks

I was watching "12 Angry Men" the other night and, yes, believe it or not, I actually started laughing. This, I'm saying, in that damned if it didn't remind me of some of those other angry men at Sassy's; Clif, Mike, and Bartlebee, especially. Of course, being that I needed to get a little more specific if in fact I wanted to construct a workable analogy, so, too, did I chew on the bastard a trifle.............................................Truthfully, it went something like this. "Hm, let's see, alright, I guess that they're men and, yes, they're definitely angry....but what, what else? And what about the number, damn it? There's only three of them, not twelve; the three stooges, basically. Oh, wait a minute, that's it! They're the three angry stooges - the three ANGRY stooges!.............................................I mean, talk about a light-bulb going off, huh? Not that they're anywhere near as good as Lee J. Cobb, Ed Begley, and E.G. Marshall (never mind, Larry, Moe, and Curly) were, mind you....but, damn it all, kids, this is the absolute reality. The three angry frigging stooges, ladies and gents, right 'chere!!


  1. Great analogy Will.I'm always amazed at the hate and vitriol on the left.

    For the life of me I cant understand it.They complain about talk radio,calling it hate radio,but truth be known conservative radio is a distant second in denigration compared to some leftwing loon blogs.

    You watch what some of these idiots post and have to wonder why on earth they are running loose among the gereral population.Its scary.

  2. It's literally because of these web-sites (Existential Cowboy, Lydia Cornell, etc.) that I've become more of a moderate/independent. They've shown me, categorically, that there are mean-spirited fools across the board out there. It isn't just the Michael Savages and Michelle Maulkins of the world anymore. In fact, Mike makes Rush Limbaugh sound like Mr. Rogers. One nasty son of a bitch he is, huh?

  3. Will, you owe me royalties for the use of the "three stooges" comment.

    I named them "The Three Stooges of Communism" over a year ago...LOL

    Although I was referring to Bart, Clif and Larry at the time.
    I suppose Mike could pass for Joe or Shemp, ah probably Joe...

  4. I agree Savage is a bit far out there,but I do like his stance on immigration and his support for the troops.

    A few years back I used to make bi-monthly trips to Napa and first heard him when he was somewhat local in San Francisco,back then he was nowhere as far right.

    When he got syndicated he certainly cranked his act up considerably.

    I can listen to Rush on occasion,when he takes on a subject hes like a bulldog on a bone.And the guy does have 15 million fans.

    Sean Hannity I can leave,hes a one trick pony shreeking act.

    My current talk radio favorite is Dennis Miller,hes more libertarian,has great sidekicks and a killer sense of humor.If his show is on in your area you may in fact enjoy it.

    Do you have an opinion why leftwing talk radio cant get a foothold?

  5. Hey Will,

    Found this on Ann Coulter's site and thought you might enjoy it...

    "Email Warning! -

    If you get an e-mail with "Nude Photos of Sarah Palin" in the subject line, do not open it. It might contain a virus.

    If you get an e-mail with "Nude Photos of Hillary Clinton," do not open it.

    It might contain nude photos of Hillary Clinton."

  6. Rusty,

    We don't get Miller in central Illinois, (I don't think, haven't really looked for him) but I do watch his segments on O'Reilly.

    I like his sense of humor, and the obscure references. Sometimes I have to explain them to my left leaning friends.

    Odd that you have to explain so much background information to "intellectuals" isn't it?

  7. Well I just looked.

    His website says "WHOW in Springfield". But he's on during Rush's time slot on another station.

    BTW, WHOW is actually just south of Clinton on Rt. 51, close I suppose if you're looking on a map but about 50 miles if you're driving it.

  8. Also, it's a low power station and doesn't have a very large coverage area.

  9. Volt,I know Dennis Miller's show is on one of the major Chicago stations.Being that its syndicated the air times vary around the country.

    Miller also has a pretty good web site. He has an ongoing "shun" list which is funny.

  10. Did anyone catch Hairplug Biden's lastest open mouth insert foot moment.

    It's seems old Joe was telling Katie Couric that when the market crashed in 29 president Roosevelt when on TV to inform the people.Oops....Hoover was pres and TV was'nt invented.

    Is there a toxic chemical present with hairplugs?

    Imagine if Sarah Palin had said that.

    Two weeks ago at a ralley Joe asked some crippled guy in a wheelchair to stand up and be recognized.

    Do we really want this idiot a heart beat away? I guessing Barry is thinking why the hell did'nt I pick Hillary.

  11. I guessing Barry is thinking why the hell did'nt I pick Hillary.

    Naw son, .... cause Biden ain't the clueless twit st Sarah has proved to be.

    St Johnny is the one tryin' to cut and run from the campaign at the very same time they send St Sarah to a secret undisclosed location so she don't have to answer any more questions seeing she is SO bad at it.

    See katie Couric for details.

  12. Even the first lady thinks st Sarah is a clueless twit;

    CNN: Do you think she has the foreign policy experience that everyone’s criticizing her about?

    [Laura] BUSH: Well, obviously — Of course she doesn’t have that. That’s not been her role. But I think she’s a very quick study, and fortunately, John McCain does have that experience.

    Looks like Pickles didn't drink enuf kool aid eh crusty?

  13. My favorie Dennis Miller punch-line of all time, folks. Remember that Shane Stant guy, Tonya Harding's body-guard who was suspected of hitting Nancy Kerrigan's leg with a lead pipe? Miller said that he had an alibi. He was spotted climbing out of some primordial morass, learning how to stand upright. Wow, that one still cracks me up.

  14. I've always been a Miller fan, Rusty. I mean, his jokes are more conservative now but, hey, a good joke is a good joke. Savage, though, he lost me when he called Ashleigh Banfield a news-whore. And they were working at the same network!! As for Limbaugh, I'm not a big fan. But, BUT, I'm not a big fan of Olbermann, either. So, I guess I'm consistent there. Hannity and Colmes - both stooges!

  15. Miller had a great line a few years back.

    If you remember the million women march on Washington his line was "hey girls,while you're up get me a beer."

  16. Actually Will, he called her a "war slut"...LOL

  17. I think CBS's Laura Logan claims that title now.

    She did her war reporting from Baghdad one green zone hotel ceiling at a time...

  18. That's a great line, Rusty. I think I'm going to use it at work tomorrow. Hey, Esther.... As for that Logan chick, Voltron, not a big fan. Her boobs are way to big for the rest of her body. I don't know about you guys but I find that to be somewhat of a turn-off. Evidently, not everybody in Baghdad agrees with me. LOL

  19. Sorry about that 1138, I see that she was in-bed-ded with the troops from time to time.

    I guess that means she saw some of the sky along with all those hotel room ceilings...

    (I heard her indian name is "two legs skyward")

  20. Well obviously your indian is bit rusty Cliffy. It actually means "KICKS ass in any language"...

  21. Come on boys ya gotta say "native american," lets be PC about things.

    Next thing you know you'll be calling each other Tonto.

  22. Next thing you know you'll be calling each other Tonto.

    Naw, crusty I'll leave that to you when dolty comes calling in his forked tongue Indian costume.

  23. You can take the Cliffy out of Nicholas but you can't take the Nicholas out of Cliffy. Unfortunately.

  24. Too bad nicholas ain't me son.


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