Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Cartoon Meanness

I suppose, though, had I known that those looney-tunes well had been smothering, discretion, yes, WOULD have been an option. But, really, to have known ahead of time that stooges of this ilk/calibre EVEN EXISTED, let alone were willing to take such a low-road, for Christ, WHO in the bluest-blazes has such a capacity, damn it? And, besides, isn't it up to me (a nominally bigger person, at least), me-buckos, to put forth a sympathy card or two, to recognize the source of the depravity, etc.? I'd like to at least think that I'm capable of that - that, and to have some hope for these clowns as well. Here's to hoping so, anyway.


  1. When I read some of the vitriol
    posted on lunatic fringe sites like Kos or even the miniscule LC types I sometimes wonder what these people look like out in public,that is if they do in fact venture out.

    Do they walk around wild haired,bugged eyed,spitting while talking to themselves?

    Or,heaven forbid,like in Invasion of the Body Snatchers they look like everyone else.

  2. I'm not at all a huge McCain supporter,not by any means,but I respect his years of service to america.

    I wonder if those keyboard kowboys who grow courageous in the glow of their computer screens ever think it was people like John McCain who protected the freedoms that allow them to call him McShame,McCrazy and so on and so on.

    They are truly small creatures.

  3. heck of a comment comin from a gutless chicken hawk like YOU crusty, you'd NEVER slime a vet would ya BOY.

  4. Klink said...yada,yada chickenhawk,yada,yada,yada chickenhawk,yada,yada,yada chickenhawk,yada,yada,yada chickenhawk.

  5. Everyone.....ATTENTION Sgt.York has entered the room.

  6. I'd like to stay and slap you around a bit Klink but I want to watch USC at Ore.St.

    Later numbnutz.

  7. Defending McCain, having the audacity to defend McCain was what initially got me in trouble. Those bastards literally called him a coward and a traitor (their source, a 2 man operation called Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain). I couldn't take it and I let them know about it - the rest is frigging history. P.S. I defended Kerry in '04, too. I'm consistent, Cliffolaus isn't.

  8. Sorry son but I AM consistent, you attacked somebody for something another poster did, THAT was pointed out long before this started and you refused to apologize or even admit YOU FUCKED up son;

    Your just a pussy cry baby about it now.

    Now deal with it asshole.

    McCain is NOT qualified to be president, and crashing 3 planes and getting shot down in another ain't what we need in the White House at the moment.

    Especially combined with the fact he is slowly sinking into some form of mental dementia and his clueless twit side kick certainly don't need to FUCK this country up worse then even Bush has done.

    His body might make 90 but his mind is going AWOL, and that ain't what we need with a meltdown in the economy and two wars with no end in sight.

  9. Oh and crusty we all know your a gutless pussy, so you don't have to prove it daily like you do son.

  10. Now I ask you Will,are that idiots postings something a moderatly normal person would even consider.

    Could you imagine living next door to this moron.I bet he's a big favorite in the neighborhood.

    You know this nitwit is gonna end up on a tower with a rifle.

    Its pretty damn obvious why the army threw him out....this guy is certifiable.

  11. John McCain spent years as a POW protecting jerks like Klink,he in turn spent a few years as a supply officer handing out socks and underware and now feels compeled to denigrate McCains service.

    I'd guess the people Klink served with would be pretty damn embarrassed of him.

    He's really a tiny person.

  12. Are you saying, Clif, that Lydia has no editorial control over her blog? And, besides, not only did she not disavow it, she contributed additional scurrilous accusations. Rusty's right. I can't think of a solitary mainstream person who would find your rantings acceptable. Barack Obama himself would be revulsed. I cannot imagine him accepting your support, any more than Bush would accept David Duke's. Hey, at least you didn't include the incident where an errant missile blew McCain's plane to smithereens. The Mikester usually does. So I guess you're not quite as much of a cretin as he is. Small consolation, huh?

  13. At least McCain hasn't been officially diagnosed yet, CLIFFFFF!

  14. At least McCain hasn't been officially diagnosed yet, CLIFFFFF!

    You seem to have an internet lisp son.

  15. BTW crusr=ty write all ya want son, your STILL a gutless pussy.

  16. Its all ok Will thinks McCain was in the Air Force,

  17. I don't think that McCain was in the Air Force. I made a mistake one night and I admitted to it. YOU have a frigging persecution complex.

  18. Will, your persecution complex became a blog son.


  19. I don't feel persecuted at all, Clif. I'm amused.

  20. Bullshit, you screech all the time son.

    Too bad your actions say your nothing but a FUCKIN' LIAR.

    Other wise your posts wouldn't be about us instead of what you claim to be interested in.

    Or run around the tubes like son electronic don Quixote trying to make everyone agree with your non-position on everything.

    BTW were ya amused when you got those swirlies in grade school from the girls also?

  21. Screech? Run around the tubes? Trying to make everyone agree? Sounds pretty autobiograhical to me, buddy. And, yes, you guys are my current muses. I mean, come on, where the hell else am I going to find a train-wreck of this magnitude? Of course, I'm going to milk it for all it's worth. P.S. I have no problem at all with your "positions". In fact, I think it's been established that I agree with some of them. I just don't like your sleaze-ball tactics; Nazi innuendo, hyperbole, purile sexual imagery, the fact that you constantly lie about my political views, etc.. And your a lunatic, something that I tried to allow for but YOU wouldn't let me. It's almost like you like being treated like shit.

  22. Screech? Run around the tubes? Trying to make everyone agree?

    Well YOU were the one going to OTHER blogs attacking people because YOU didn't like what THEY wrote stupid.

    Existential cowboy?

    Politics Plus?

    Lydia's blog?


    I guess they don't count eh son?

    Sounds pretty autobiograhical to me, buddy.

    I YOUR case it is son.

    And, yes, you guys are my current muses. I mean, come on, where the hell else am I going to find a train-wreck of this magnitude?

    See bozo ... a don Quixote complex.

    Of course, I'm going to milk it for all it's worth.

    Milk what son?

    You seem a little deranged on that one.

    P.S. I have no problem at all with your "positions".

    I could give a rats ass whether you got problems or not.

    In fact, I think it's been established that I agree with some of them. I just don't like your sleaze-ball tactics; Nazi innuendo, hyperbole, purile sexual imagery, the fact that you constantly lie about my political views, etc..

    whaaaaaaaaaa .... cry baby.

    And your a lunatic, something that I tried to allow for but YOU wouldn't let me. It's almost like you like being treated like shit.

    Sorry bozo but you haven't even come close, BUT nice to see you tried, and LIED about it .....

  23. Existential Cowboy? He accuses the Bush administration of orchestrating the 9/11 attacks. Lydia Cornell and 1138? Those blogs have accused John McCain of being a traitor. Politics Plus? He uses even more Nazi imagery than you frigging lunatics do. Yeah, I challenged some of that. Most people with even a scintilla of dignity would have done the same. As for still checking you freaks out from time to time, I do it for shear amusement, kind of like those people in that movie "Network" did with the Peter Finch character. Remember that one?


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