Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wasted Days and Wasted Nights

Speaking of Garbo, folks, I was watching "Camille" the other week and, yeah, you got it, I was enthralled; the way that she ran circles around Robert Taylor, especially. Of course, as I was watching this great movie, I couldn't help but wonder, too, what my fair and balanced friends (not!!) friends over at the Lydia Cornell site were doing, how the hell that they might be "entertaining" themselves, etc...........................................And, yes, folks, I actually came up with a theory. My theory? Well, let's just say that in many ways it was a typical night over there. On this particular occasion, though, I had the bastards sitting (bibs and drool-buckets in place, of course) over the keyboards and debating furiously. The topic? Oh, it was a dandy. On this night, the subject was WHO, betwixt those damn devils, Bush and McCain, is best equipped to take those reins from Hitler. And, yes, me-buckos, very heated it was between those stooges (3-4 guys comprising 90% of the comments over there - it's hilarious!) this night. So much so, in fact, that through the verdict of attrition, they ultimately decided, it's a draw! I mean, talk about a serious "hung-jury", huh?................................................P.S. Personally, folks, I prefer to keep that Hitler bullet in my holster. This, I'm saying, in that you never know when you're actually going to need it.


  1. Hey Will, wadda ya think of Barry picking Bidet for his running mate?

  2. Wellllllllll, I kind of know that you don't like it. LOL Let me just say this, whatever one thinks about Biden personally or in terms of his domestic priorities, I don't see how his foreign-policy creds can hurt (unless, of couse, it underscores Obama's lack of them). If Obama does get elected, I'd rather have Biden counsel him than, say, that inexperienced Governor of Virginia. I get a kick out of Biden, too. He definitely had the best lines during the Democratic debates.

  3. LOL, Actually I do like it. Probably just as much as Bartlebee does.

    Biden will be a huge anchor around Obamas neck. He blows the "change" canard out of the water, and he's a gaffe a minute. That'll be good for the Republicans this season.

    Looks like all we have left is Hope.

  4. It'll be a close contest between McCain and Biden on the gaffe-o-meter this fall. It sounds like their 35 year friendship might be over.

  5. IMO Biden made the most sense. Hillary has her supporters but she carries alot of baggage. Nothing energizes Republicans more than the distaste for the Clinton's. I know I am in the minority, but I find Hillary less than trustworthy...She went negative in the primaries and the repubs would play her comments non stop. Bayh & Maine just couldn't add much except maybe winning support from their states. Gov. Bill Richardson has a lot of foreign affairs experience/cred but he ran a inept primary campaign. I hear that Obama was actually giving Chris Dodd a serious look but then his dubious mortgage loan arrangements put an end to that...ergo Biden. Prone to gaffes, long winded yes...but can relate to ordinary people and has an extensive foreign policy resume. Now it remains who Senator McCain chooses. A lot of folks are saying might make the most sense but he has liabilities too. Can't think of anyone else.

  6. Biden, being that Delaware is a neighboring state of PA, might be able to help win PA. Plus, he was born in Scranton. Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan, that's where it's going to be settled. Well, Florida, too, of course.

  7. Actually, one of the things I like most about Biden, his honesty and tendency NOT to follow script - that just might be the thing that hurts Obama the most. Can they control him? Big question. P.S. I don't trust Hillary (or Bill), either, bro. But stay tuned, though. I just might surprise you in a day or two.


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