Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Chest-Thumping Stumping

Senator McCain has said countless times over the years that Teddy Roosevelt is one of his heroes. And, yeah, folks, in many ways I do kind of see it; the independent (though, no, not lately) streak, a focus on the environment, etc.. But, in terms of their approach to foreign-policy, it seems that there might be at least a semblance of a disconnect. I mean, didn't Teddy Roosevelt say that we should, "speak softly but carry a big stick"? McCain, it appears, may have missed that particular memo............................................Case in point (one of several in fact), is how McCain is responding to the Russian/Georgia crisis; namely, with bluster. He's popping off daily on what the Russians MUST do, on what WE'RE going to do (not necessarily militarily, mind you, but, still, stated with bellicosity) if in fact they don't comply, etc.. Of course, in the mean-time, me-buckos, we're still bogged down on two fronts (possibly three, if McCain wins) and have nothing to back the bluster up with. Oh well...........................................P. S. I seem to recall another quote of Roosevelt's that may have also escaped McCain's attention. Five little words: "One war at a time."

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