Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Small D Neocon

Mort Kondracke, folks, the supposedly liberal member of Fox News's, "The Beltway Boys", damned if he, too, hasn't bought into that oxymoronic justification for our continued presence in Iraq. He said during a recent episode that, yes, if in fact we do leave Iraq, there's a good possibility that Iran and Al Qaeda will take over the country. Yeah, that's right, Iran AND Al Qaeda. I mean, I don't know, folks. I had always thought that Kondracke, in spite of these long-held internationalist leanings of his, was at least an intelligent man. Has he seriously not learned that the Iranians and Al Qaeda totally hate each other....and would never be able to peacefully co-exist, EVER? A.K.A., they BOTH frigging couldn't take over Iraq, for Christ!..........................................Seriously, though, is this not equivalent (or at least similar) to the logic that got us into Iraq in the first place? I mean, think about it. We (Bush and his bipartisan buddies in the Congress) actually surmised that Saddam Hussein would surrender his WMD to terrorist groups, terrorist groups that would in turn use them against us. Wow, how silly does that sound now? If these terrorist groups actually had WMD, one of the very first targets would be frigging Saddam himself. Look, folks, don't get me wrong. I'm not against using the military. I'm certainly not against the concept of mowing down some swine from time to time. I just think that we have to be one thing in addition to that; careful/wise. And when we do use force, what do you say we use the Powell-Doctrine next time and not, NOT, the frigging one that Rummy cooked up?


  1. Will:

    I like Voltron checked out Lydia's Blog.The whole thing was pathetic...One of the bozos was even braging how he has been pounding on you for 2 months.

    Did you hear about Susskind's book? Apparently Tenet/Feith had a high level Iraqi official who was in our custody, compose a document stating they had WMD, etc...and back dated to before he was captured. The administration used the document as "proof" to justify the war in Iraq. The icing on the cake was the US paid the Iraqi 5 million dollars to silence him...sweet deal huh?

    Bob Barr? The Libertarian? Well if that is what does it for ya. All I remember about about him was he was screeching for Clinton's impeachment after the Lewinsky scandal. Funny thing is HE was having an extramarital affair himself (along Newt G.). Oh well. Politicians ain't perfect...they are very human like the rest of us.

    BTW: I want you to check out Sobiesky Polish Vodka. Rated 95. It's only $10 a 750ml...not too shabby! Drinks well neat...my preference, or with tonic. Aloha!

  2. He's a FORMER Republican. LOL And he's admitted he was wrong about the impeachment mess (one of the very few who's done that BTW). He's also against Bush's foreign adventurism and a strong advocate for civil liberties. Keith Olbermann even had him on HIS show! Like I said, though, I'm just toying with it.


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