Monday, August 11, 2008

Projection Erection

Hasn't it gotten past the point, folks, where Keith Olbermann can continue to lambaste Fox for ITS partisan coverage? I mean, don't get me wrong here. The guy makes a lot of good points about his competitors over there (some of those points are downright hilarious, in fact). But, really, is he the best guy in the world to be delivering this message - he himself being as partisan as a rubber-stamp these days? I don't know, it kind of would have been like Ho Chi Minh calling Benito Mussolini a ruthless thug/dictatorial. Mr. Minh would have been correct and all. It just would have sounded a little comical coming from a nimrod like that, that's all.


  1. Hey Will,

    Looks like we missed a party last night. The 3 Stooges (Bart, Clif and Mike) were insulting a foreign born citizen.

    They claim the rest of the world hates us, now we know why. Because of THEM...LOL

    Bart the intellectual couldn't even figure out which country the guy was from.

    It's just as well I guess. They would've just told him they know more about his country than he does.

    Looks like Lydia may have lost a foreign born fan.

  2. Oh I should have mentioned, the reason they were insulting him was because they thought it was you...LOL

  3. Since I know "intellectuals" monitor this board, you guys might try googling "Brighton Beach"...

  4. You know, after thinking about it, the guy WAS rather arrogant. I mean really, a Russian immigrant thinking he knows more about communism than an American liberal? Get real.

    For some reason he thought it was a bad thing. I think the boys set him straight though.

  5. These immigrants need to let go of their cold war mentality.

    Oh, on another note they think Obama will tear McCain a new one in a town hall debate.

    That must be why Obama's been pressing so hard for those and McCain's been dodging the issue...

  6. Yeah, I actually checked out (skimmed is more like it) some of that exchange. I started seeing my name (replete with the usual insults, of course) and figured out they were actually of the mind-set that I was the Russian. I tried to tell them that the manufacturing of personnas and alter-egos was obviously their schtick and that I would never even think of working their side of the street. Their paranoid minds couldn't grasp it, evidently.

  7. As for Obama and McCain, it seems like they're both kind of stumblin' and a bumblin' of late. I'm actually looking at Barr a little bit. I mean, how crazy is that, huh?


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