Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Pervasive Nature of Skeletons

I don't know, folks, I thought that everybody was aware of Joe Kennedy Sr. being a Nazi sympathizer. I was wrong, evidently. To those of you who were unaware of this, please, allow me to provide these basic points: 1) It was common-knowledge among those in Washington that Kennedy was a Nazi sympathizer/admirer of Hitler. 2) Kennedy was fired from his post of U.S. Ambassador to England by Roosevelt in 1938, expressly for his being a tad TOO vocal in his expressions of these view-points. 3) After he was fired by Roosevelt, Kennedy joined the "America First" movement and, later, the anti-war movement. 4) While serving as U.S. Ambassador to England, his German equivalent in London referred to Kennedy as "German's best friend in London." 5) Also while serving his post in London, Kennedy doggedly and repeatedly sought a personal meeting with Hitler himself. 6) In one of his meetings with the German ambassador, Kennedy is on the record as saying, "I understand your Jewish policy completely." I could go on but you kind of get the picture, right?.............................................Oh, and if you think that this is nothing but a smear-job by the far-right, think again. Every one of these points comes from Seymour Hersh, not exactly what one would call a Republican water-boy. But not only THAT, folks, liberal commentator, Joe Conason, agrees with him, that Kennedy indeed was a Nazi sympathizer................................................As to what all of this information means, I don't know, what do you want it to mean? To me, all it says is that Joe Kennedy Sr. was a flawed man. It absolutely has nothing to do with his children. NOTHING! This is America, folks. Sins of the father aren't as important here. Nor should they be.

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