Saturday, August 9, 2008

Operational Definition

True non-partisanship, folks, let's be honest here. It has to do (on some level, at least) with being able to see the idiocy/hypocrisy ON BOTH SIDES!! This, I'm saying, in that, NO, it's not enough simply to slam the B-team....for not having the balls to slam the A-team! You also have to be able to slam the B-team....for what THEY, as a unit, represent; the bone-headedness of the supposed solutions that they proffer, etc.. You need to see it as an equal-opportunity form of criticism, in other words............................................Of course, if you find yourself unable to accomplish such a balancing-act, there's nothing at all wrong with that, either. It's fine. Just don't go around calling yourself non-partisan, that's all. Comprehendo?

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