Saturday, August 2, 2008

Means-Ends Awareness

Let's see, this makes four negative attack ads in a row by the McCain campaign (yes, I have in fact been counting). I guess they've decided that the only way in which they cannot derail this Obama juggernaut is, well, to derail it. And the best way to do THAT (in their opinion, evidently), is to continue to try and plant doubt in the voter's minds about the readiness of Obama to be President; casting doubts about his value-systems, his judgements, etc......................................Not that this is an all-together ineffectual strategy, mind you. You DO want an extremely stark contrast between your guy and the other guy and, yes, to do this, you sometimes have to negatively portray (hopefully within reason) the latter's record. But, seriously, some of the points that these recent ads have been stressing have indeed been questionable (even McCain's campaign guy from 2000 has criticized these ads); Obama being compared to Paris Hilton and Britney Spears, footage of him playing basketball (WITH the troops, mind you) instead of visiting the troops in Germany. And it's making John McCain look bad, as well......................................I mean, think about it. From 1999 to 2002, Senator McCain was probably the most respected politician in the country. This, I'm saying, in that, whenever another politician wanted instant credibility for him or herself, all he or she had to do was drop the name of John McCain and there it was. I don't know, it's almost as if it isn't even the same guy who's been spouting all this crap. I really feel like asking the Senator, "Bro, do you really want to be president of the United States THIS bad? Is it really worth it to you?"........................................P.S. Me? I just wish he would go back to some of that vintage-speak of his; "agents of intolerance", stuff like that. I mean, it would at least make me feel a little guilty about not voting for him.

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