Thursday, July 31, 2008

Those Things That Go Duh in the Night

As you can tell, ma vlast has been infested by a small but virulent gang of jack-booted thugs/miscreants. And, yes, folks, Brad (let's call him), damned if that piss-ant hasn't become the worst of 'em all. I mean, paranoid - you want to talk paranoid? This stooge has got to be one of those nimrods who checks under his bed EVERY night - just so he can crawl under the covers, for Christ!.....................................And how 'bout, too, some of those accusations he's been hurling at me, specifically? Wow, huh? I particularly like the one where he says that I'm some sort of closet right-winger/stooge. Never mind the vast amount of criticisms I've already levied against the "right", mind you, or the fact that I've never voted for Paul W. Snell, never supported Paul W. Snell, have consistently lambasted his foreign-policy, etc.. None of that ever that, yes, folks, it's nothing but a ruse/ether, period!.........................................I mean, don't get me wrong here. Part of me wants to take it as a compliment. This, I'm saying, in that, I don't know, it kind of makes me look James Bondish - Machiavellian even! But, no, seriously, when you do in fact see how it lowers that bar, denigrates the discourse at Sassy's, etc., how can it not, me-buckos, but force us to a better place, substantially? That's the best way for me to see it anyway.


  1. Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
    Rusty writes in a way that I find humorous. Sue me. I also laugh during Goodfellas and Casino. Mike. Mike, you compared me to Bill O'Reilly. And your tone is ALWAYS of an attacking nature. "Not man enough." "Not smart enough." Do you even read what you write? I answer your "charges". . Never attacked me. Whatever. And I'm not a liar,#^&()(&^$#%.

    will "take no prisoners" hart said...
    I attack everybody, you imbecile; Democrats, Republicans, everybody. ..............

    So I guess attacking is OK ONLY when YOU are the one doing it huh?

    you said attacking was funny and cool before some idiot started doing the same thing to you, butt instead you whine like a little hippocrite.

    Change your tampon and take a nice long dooche Will apparently you need it.

    Sorry..........I musta been channeling Rusty or Nicholas on that one Billy

  2. You're actually comparing the stuff that Nicholas is doing here (carpet-bombing sexual innuendo) to the occasional insult humor of Rusty? What can I say. We see the world differently, Mike. And when I "attack", I do have a point. I attack when people get swift-boated. I attack when idiotic Zazi innuendo is implemented. I attack when people say that they're "progressive" while, at the same time, engage in knuckle-dragging homophobia. I attack when people pile on. I attack when people have a thin skin pertaining to THEIR candidate but don't at all hesitate to vilify the opponent. You see, Mike, there are some points. You're just too ridiculously spiteful to see them. P.S. You might want to get your friend Clifffff some help. He says he's not Nicholas but on Voltron's site he accused me of deleting HIM. I never deleted Clifffff, Mike. Interesting, huh?

  3. DONT Pull the bait and switch Bill O.........YOU were crying like a little bitch about how "I" was attacking you when you have stated several times YOU attack everyone.

    I dont attack you personally and call names like Rusty and Nicholas do........I attack what you say that is not true or wrong by supporting my positions with fact based there some kind of double standard where you can attack what I say but i cant hold you accountable for what you say are you admiting YOU are a cowardly hippocrite and not man enough or smart enough to defend your positions,

    As for Rusty and Nicholas I think they are two peas in a pod, i think they are both jerks........see Bill i'm opbjective and fair and balanced unlike what YOU CLAIM to be i dont just white wash, agree and side with the thug thats nice to be because im afraid he MIGHT attack me too if he i dont,,,,,,,,,,,thyats the ONE thing Nicholas is right about you seem to side with and agree with trolls and illogical parisans whose aruments arent based in fact and truth because you want to be friends with and be accepted by them.

    And Rusty and Nicolas say the same exact things............if you dont believe me i'd be MORE than happy to debate you on this and PROVE you are wrong see the facts are CLEARLY on my side and theres plenty of them out there.......years worth in fact.

  4. See Will you seemed to think it was funny going to other peoples blogs and starting shit you cant back up and insulting people...........well it looks like you pissed off the wrong person now he's showing you what its like.

    Further Will it looks to me like its one or two idiots, i'd hardly call that a gang.

    Like I said before I dont agree with this Nicholas or what he says and how he says it any more than i do Rusty............But I have to admit even he noticed what a hippocrite you are.

  5. Love the title...LOL

    (just for the record, they go "Duh" in the daylight too...)

  6. btw, I notice someone's doing an excellent "Johnny" impersonation.

    Unless it's really him.

  7. Of course you attack me personally (whiny little bitch, Bill, etc.), ass-hole. Every God-damned thing you write is of an insulting nature. I just respond in kind. And not all attacking is the same, you lamebrain. You idiotically compare people to Hitler (ala Bill O'Reilly) constantly try to impugn people's motivation (ala Bill O'Reilly). You don't know what I'm thinking, jerk-off. And you're so full of shit. You still haven't told me how I can be to the left of you AND a part of the right-wing at the same time. You accused me of dissing Obama on the FISA vote. I never even commented on it. I was going to cut you some slack on that one BUT since you're always calling other people the l word, what the heck. You're a God-damned liar, Mike. And you can't even fucking count, either; Mike, Clifffff, Anonymous, and Nicholas. That makes 4 - unless, of course, you're conceding that Clifffff is Nicholas. Freudian slip, Mike. As for "siding" with Voltron, I don't side with him (nor does he probably agree with me all of the time). He seems like a good guy, O.K.? What, because he's conservative, he can't be one? Why the guilt by association, Mike? As for you, why not condemn Clifffff for his homophobia, Mike? Why not challenge Average Patriot for his swift-boating of McCain, Mike. Yeah, you're really fair and balanced, bro.

  8. Hey Will, Mikey is now urging Obama to lie to the American people in order to get elected.

    Wonder how that'll work out for him if he does?

  9. Actually Will, as a card carrying member of the VRWC, (Vast Right Wing Conspiracy) I'm not allowed to be a nice guy by regulations. (sub chapter 32, paragraph 4)

  10. Let these fatheads battle it out amongst themselves...PERIOD!

  11. Im sorry, you just seem to be someone who craves attention more than anything; your cause is merely a disguise for something deeper.. be it right or wrong.

  12. Im tired of big talk, but no action!

  13. Its not fair to point out someones past hypocrisy.

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  16. Voltron, I let Mike get to me again. I gotta stop dropping that frigging F-bomb. Seriously, though, the guys seems to dump on me even when I make an innocuous/ common-sense statement. On your site, for example, I simply said that Fox seems to pushing for McCain, MSNBC for Obama. He took a dump on me that (or he just simply saw my name and went off)! Maybe he IS mixing steroids and joe. LOL I bet he didn't even laugh at that one, the nimrod.


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