Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Certainty of Certitude

Another thing that McCain has been stressing of late is that, yes, any departure from Iraq must be determined by "conditions on the ground". "Conditions on the ground." Man, I wish I had a nickel for every time I've heard that one. Not that it doesn't sound reasonable, mind you. Who wants to cause a bad situation to become even worse through some sort of precipitous action? I get it.......................................But, still, I can't help but wonder here. What if one of those conditions on the ground is the Iraqis themselves telling us to leave? McCain was asked that recently and, no, I didn't particularly care for his rather cavalier response to Wolf. "I know Mr. Maliki and he won't ask us to do that." Yeah, but what if he does. "He Won't.".......................................... Leap of faith, anybody?


  1. Bush Forced al-Maliki to Back Down on Pullout in 2006

    Why would McCain be honest?

    Bush has never been honest about what the Iraqi people really want.

  2. Bush's father listened to Brent Scowcroft, Jimmy Baker, and Colin Powell. W listened to Richard Perle (a Scoop Jackson disciple), Paul Wolfowitz, and Douglass Feith. A rather stark comparison, I would say.

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