Monday, July 28, 2008

Actionable Belligerence

Look, I know I'm dealing with some dimwitted individuals here and, yes, because of that, I'm willing to repeat myself (to a point). During one of the Democratic Presidential debates, Barack Obama said that, if he knew where Osama bin Laden was, and that, even if it was inside of Pakistan, he would be willing to use air-strikes (air-strikes, not surreptitiously sneaking up on him in a cave) to take him out. This was virtually the same statement that President Bush had made several months earlier - a statement, frankly, that I was very critical of. It's like, what, since the great Barack Obama makes this Bushlike statement, I can't be at all critical of it? Only you guys can be critical of Obama?............................................. As for "actionable intelligence", I used that term on my blog in response to Mike. I didn't use it on Tomcat's post. Maybe I should have. But, seriously, is it not a moot point? This, I'm saying, in that, yes, with or without it, either way, I think it's a dangerous strategy - for the reasons I mentioned before. That's my opinion, O.K.? I'm sorry that it's different from yours.........................................P.S. So, Mike, you don't like it when people try and make Obama look bad? That's funny. You don't seem to mind it when they do it to McCain. Seriously, though, can you at least try and understand my point here?


  1. Will you're asking an awful lot of Mikey.

    He hates anything conservative or Republican but since he's not a REGISTERED Democrat he can't be a liberal.

    If you can follow any of that please explain it to me.

  2. Voltron said...
    Will you're asking an awful lot of Mikey.

    He hates anything conservative or Republican but since he's not a REGISTERED Democrat he can't be a liberal.

    If you can follow any of that please explain it to me."

    More lies from a Reich Wing liar.............first of all Duncetron I have many friends and relatives that are Libertarian or Conservative so saying i HATE republicans and conservatives is a filthy lie...........I do however despise the Reich wing Neo Cons that are destroying our country and torching the US Constitution in our name.

    Secondly Duncetron..........I NEVER denied being a Liberal I have stated NUMEROUS times I am a cross between a Libertarian and a Liberal..........YOU have stated the samer on MANY occasions.

    What I DO DENY is when you label me "Far Left " or a Demacrat because i am and your buddy Will seem to label me "Far Left" or a Demacrat anytime you get angry or are made to look stupid by facts.

    I'm willing to examine my positions with you or Will one by one and I assure you there is no way ANYONE could come to the logical conclusion I am Far Left pal.

  3. Will said "P.S. So, Mike, you don't like it when people try and make Obama look bad? That's funny. You don't seem to mind it when they do it to McCain. Seriously, though, can you at least try and understand my point here?"

    MAKING someone LOOK bad is just as different from holding them accountable for their actions or words based on facts as going into to remote areas or "strategic targeting" based on actionable intelligence is from THREATENING to BOMB INSIDE PAKISTAN so as to cause the Nuclear weapons to fall into the hands of the terrorists.........McSame and the Reich wing are trying to make Obama APPEAR reckless, inexperience, naive and dangerous by using those talking points the media says that every night............David Gergan has said nightly that is the repugs plan to portray Obama APPEAR reckless, inexperience, naive and dangerous...........What am i SUPPOSED TO THINK when a guy associated with a hard core Reich Wing troll and a hard core Conservative spew GLEEFULLY spew those same Reich Wing talking points.

    Same with Obama's FISA vote you DIDNT seem like a person that was angry, disapointed or seemed like a guy gleefully trying to smear Obama and prove he is not worthy of support..........Then YOU CLAIM to support him reluctantly albeit..........that smacks of unsincerity and duplicity.

    Most people that support Obama in one way or another and value freedom would have been angry , disapointed or felt betrayed by his FISA position.........YOU on the other hand were gleefully triumphantly and jubilantly smearing him like it was Christmas in July or something.

  4. It seems widdle will is more interested with how things appear or how they can be made to appear then the TRUTH as usual.

  5. "Strategic targeting" now, huh Mike? In my opinion, American air strike ANYWHERE within Pakistan is an extremely dangerous propostions. What, you think that the Radical elements within that Muslim country are going to give us a pass if the target is a "remote" region? And, yes, you and Tomcat and the rest of you WHATEVER YOU ARE gratuitously try and make McCain look bad by calling him a "Reich-winger" and calling him McFlip-flop, McBoom-boom, all of that garbage. Oh, and when I called Obama OBoom-boom, that was a joke. As for me even bringing up the subject, it was an attemp to instill a modicum of fairness. There is NONE of that over there. ZERO!! P.S. I don't hate Obama at all. I think he's a good man. But I'm at this point unwilling to join the coronation OR denigrate McCain (who I will not vote for because of his foreign policy). And like you and Bartlebee said before, there's always Bob Barr.

  6. I don't believe I took a position on Obama's FISA vote. Are you seeing things now? And, Mike, for the record, I don't base my friendships strictly on political ideology. Voltron seems like a good guy with an excellent sense of humor. If you don't think that to be the case, vote otherwise. Comprehend?


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