Friday, June 27, 2008

An Extreme Paucity of Candor

My God, if you listen to these far-left bloggers, you'd think that Obama's decision to forgo public financing was some sort of principled decision - a principled decision by a statesman, no less. I mean, don't get me wrong here. It probably WAS a wise decision (the breaking of his promise, not excepted), a prudent decision, given the fact that he'll no doubt be able to raise three times that amount on his own. But, folks, to try and spin it into something that's noble, I'm telling you, that's when the shit starts to plump up accordingly. Seriously, though, how 'bout we just keep it simple here. The guy frigging changed his mind!! And, yes, me-buckos, it would in fact be refreshing/liberating just to hear the fellow admit to it. Hell, he might even get a vote or two for it, for Christ!

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