Thursday, June 26, 2008

Diminishing Mayhem

To Mr.s O'Reilly, Hannity, McCain, and Bush Jr. - we can't even stop the violence in the south-side of Chicago, fellows. We can't stop it in north Philly, either. What in the hell makes you think that we can stop it in Iraq, for Christ?.....................................Granted, we've suppressed it (to a degree)....but to think that we can continue/afford to do so indefinitely, I don't know. And, besides, all that I've been hearing from you guys of late (you administration guys/your lackeys over there at Fox) is how incredibly well the Iraqi army has been doing, especially in Basra. Why can't they frigging take over? Hm, is it because you know that once in fact we do leave, a lot of those Shiite militia members presently in the army are going to go AWOL, start their own little war against the government/those miserable Sunni rebels in other parts of the country, etc.?.....................................I mean, seriously, guys, haven't we pretty much done all that we can do (train the military, sponsor elections, capture Saddam, kill the God-damned son-of-a-bitch, etc.) over there - short of us being an actual occupying power, I'm saying? Oh well, at least we've got Obama in the batters box......................................P.S. My sincerity pertaining to that last line, I think I'll leave that determination to the reader.

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