Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Dreams of Convenience

What do I see, folks? I see a whole lot of people putting a whole lot of faith in a guy who only 3 1/2 years ago was filling in pot-holes. I mean, let's face it here, people, Barack Obama is essentially a blank-slate (I'll refrain from saying, "empty suit" - this, in that I do think the guy is intelligent). Of course, the fact that his political resume is as thin as it is, this, me-buckos, might actually be helping the fellow. I mean, think about it. We're just coming off an 8-year run of what can only be described as questionable leadership (AT BEST), only to have this bright, articulate, incredibly inspiring new new candidate come along. It's frigging tailor-made for such a fellow. Never mind the fact that we've barely developed a beat on the guy (yes, it has been changing but not necessarily to Obama's benefit).......................................And, no, don't get me wrong here. If Obama does get elected President, rest assured, I'll be rooting for him to be the best President EVER (that's just me, folks, I tend to put the interests of the country ahead of these political parties of ours). I'm just saying that the guy has done and said a number of things (bombing inside of Pakistan, "typical white people", his mediocre performance at the Petraeus hearings, etc.) that have given me some pause. Luckily for him (unluckily for the country), his opponent, Mr. McCain, has himself been a gaffe machine - a gaffe machine whose foreign-policy objectives are probably even more frightening than Obama's. Oh well, there's always prayer/that little audacity called hope, right?


  1. This sounds pretty cynical, pessimistic and thin. Barack has a better resume than Kennedy or Bubba did, and he is not just smart, he's fffing brilliant. And on the other hand, we have McCain. Old, and tired same old shit, only he has taken a stand on opposite sides of ever issue. He is becoming the eternal, mummified flipflopper, the man against Bush's tax cuts for the uber rich who now wants to make them permanent. I could go on and one in this vein, but that's your job, No?

  2. Better resume? Brilliant?

    Lets see, community organizer for a church so racist and America hating that Orca Winfrey left after only a year or two.
    Won his senate seat after sliming all his opponents in a Rezco funded corrupt Chicago machine race.
    Has more "present" votes than anyone else in congress for as short a time as he's actually spent there.

    I guess if you count the fact Barry hasn't KILLED, or had anyone KILLED yet (that we know of), his resume MAY be slightly better than Teddy or Slick Willie.

    And his "brilliance" is made manifest by the media and David Axelrod his speech writer, hell he can't hardly speak a word off the cuff.

  3. A better reume than Kennedy (JFK, I assume you mean)? JFK was a war-hero/spent 14 years in the House and Senate prior to his running in 1960. I don't know, I thought I did a fairly balanced piece here (critical of both candidates). I guess you just can't critique Obama at all these days. Cynical, pessimistic, thin (that one really hurts)? I prefer to call it skeptical.

  4. Will, we're bloggers, not journalists. I have taken no oath to be by-partisan. I am a supporter for Obama. I love Olbermann. I hate fox and all this admins. other media stooges, like Rush. So when you visit me, don't expect journalistic neutrality--it ain't gonna happen. I'm on one side, Voltron is on the other. We are not fans of one another's positions.

  5. Will: It is interesting JFK has been brought up here. Nixon tried to underscore JFK's "inexperience" in the election and obviously it did not work as much as the Dickster had hoped. Resumes are fine but the presidency is a dicey business...I am more interested what the president will do when he plots a bad course...will he change? will he learn? NO PRESIDENCY IS VOID OF MISTAKES...NONE.I would like to think Obama has the capacity to learn from mistakes. Dubya showed no such abilty in spite of his "experience"...McCain likewise is unrepentant about the effects of the Iraq war. Sorry Voltron...your partisan observations have been largely discredited and are basically "low rent." None of the BS about Rezko will stick and Rev Wright is uninportant...Obama does not share his world view ins spite of the endless repitition by Fox News types. And name calling doesn't help. (Barry?) Besides Transor Z was a better anime...voltron was a rather lame cartoon. :)


  6. Like I've said before, it is my firmest hope that Obama has in fact learned from the mistakes of his predecessors (McKinley, Wilson, LBJ, Bush 2, etc.). 'Cause if he doesn't, we're in big trouble.

  7. Actually MK,

    Before BO decided to run for political office and started his "community organizing" he WENT by
    "Barry". A couple of his old yearbook pictures have the name "Barry" under them.

    Kinda like before Geraldo decided to become a latin American journalist he WENT by "Jerry Rivers".

    So if you have a problem with "name calling", take it up with them.


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