Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Clear-Cut Dichotomies Between Good and Evil

I wish that these Internet stooges (on both sides of the political spectrum, I'm saying) would simply recognize one basic reality; namely, the reality of humanity. I mean, seriously, how much more incredibly basic COULD IT BE, the fact that all of these candidates (basically every politician who's ever frigging lived, for Christ!) are quintessentially of a mixed nature (a mixed bag, if you will)? And, yeah, when I say all of them, folks, I literally mean ALL OF THEM; McCain, Obama, even the frigging Clintons, for Christ!....................................Oh, and, yeah, our job, that's relatively simple, too. This, I'm saying, in that 1) you pick the one, the "pol", with the fewest warts and 2) when you do in fact make a mistake, just come frigging clean and be done with it. Stop with the God-damned justifications, in other words.


  1. Who are you talking about? Bloggers are not, for the most part, journalists. What politician are you talking about? To whose mistakes are you referring?

    You seem to be bitching for the sake of bitching.

  2. I'm talking about partisans who glorify their parties and their candidates. What politicians? I think I stated, EVERY politician. They're like onions. The more you peel, the more they stink. That's why when I vote, I hold my nose.


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