Sunday, March 16, 2008

Tried and True Tactic Number Two

Alright, how you gonna spin this one, Bill? President Ahmadinejad of Iran recently made a visit to Iraq and, yes, appeared to be playing footsie with this supposedly friendly-to-America (and even to Israel) Iraqi government. Yeah, that's right, this supposedly more-evil-than-shit government of terrorist-prone Iran is making successful overtures to "our" guys. What gives? I mean, you obviously can't dust off/promulgate that tried-and-true guilt-by-association tactic of yours, for example, in that damned if that wouldn't hit a little TOO close to home (AKA, it would hurt George W. Bush). Hmm, what to do, what to do? Oh yeah, there's always the option of ignoring it, huh?

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