Saturday, March 15, 2008

Goose-Gander, Kettle-Black, Yada Yada

There's one thing that's definitely for certain, though, Bill - namely, the fact that YOU, Bill O'Reilly, ARE covering that preacher story. And when I say you're covering it, I mean, YOU ARE FRIGGING COVERING IT, bro; night after night, segment after segment. It's almost as if you're revelling in it, for Christ - one could arguably get that impression my friend................................That, I'm saying, and when you start comparing THIS to your total lack of coverage of pastor Hagee/his endorsement of John McCain, you really do have to expect a modicum of criticism, Billy. But, no, you rag on all the other media outlets for THEIR supposed bias. Talk about having some chutzpah there, me-bucko - you and the rest of those opportunistic bastards on the right.

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