Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Playground Bully, Laura Ingraham

How despicable is Laura Ingraham, though, folks? I mean, seriously, did you catch her on O'Reilly the other night (2/27)? She actually, I'm saying, as an example of this idiotic culture-war of hers, decided to put an eight year-old boy in her cross-hairs. Apparently, this young boy is transgender and, yes, because of this psychological condition, wants to dress like a girl in school. Well, you would have thought that the boy wanted to perpetrate some great atrocity at school - such in fact was Ms. Ingraham's full lack of empathy/her utterly dismissive and judgemental posture, relative to the child's condition. Hell, she even went as far as to postulate that the youngster himself was "dictating" his "lifestyle" onto the school....................................Of course, what showed her ignorance even more-so was when she referred to his wanting to dress like a girl as him in essence.... acting as a "sexual being". A sexual being! Seriously, folks, that's what she said. It's like come on, Laura (yeah, I'm talking to her now). Gender identity isn't, IS NOT, sexual identity/sexual behavior. It is far, far, FAR, more global than that. Maybe if you read a book (no, the Bible and O'Reilly's "Culture Warrior" do not count) once in a while, gave up on this idiotic goblin-chase of yours, etc.. Just as a suggestion, I'm saying...................................But seriously, though, folks (yes, I'm done talking to her now), has she not become amongst the most vile of them all? Me - I'm definitely starting to think so.

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