Friday, March 7, 2008

Demon or Dope, You Decide

Dear Laura, Don't you think that maybe, JUST MAYBE, we've reached that point in society where all of these hackneyed dichotomies/demarcations of yours have in fact become limiting, of far less utility, etc.? I mean, I know that the country is divided (probably because of blowhards like you) and that you yourself have essentially created a cottage industry of sorts but, really, to have come to use such labels (liberal, in particular) as a system to belittle and denigrate those on the other side of an issue from you, that's just flat-out freakish, my friend. I'm sorry. Of course, the fact that this mind-numbingly idiotic "either-or" paradigm of yours has in fact been effective (yes, the term, liberal, clearly has become a pejorative in certain circles) to a degree, I guess I really shouldn't blame you for trying, now should I? I mean, you ARE who you ARE, right?

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