Sunday, January 20, 2008

Pugilistically Speaking

Seriously, though, doesn't O'Reilly remind you a little bit of Sonny Liston (God rest his miserable soul, huh?)? I mean, think about it. They're both thugs (Liston, obviously in the past tense). They've both had a series of "issues" (not pertaining to their respective professions, I'm saying). They both like to pick on vulnerable folks, those incapable of defending themselves, etc.. And, yes, they both have had a tendency to crumble/stumble whenever a potential target/perceived chump retaliates. In Liston's case, he would simply take a dive/ sit on his stool in the corner cowering. O'Reilly? Well, let's just say that his tactics are a tad more convoluted. Him, he'll either attack the messenger (in his case, anyone courageous enough to call/site him), viciously, or (and here's where it gets real juicy) change the goal-posts to a point so ludicrous it's comical. Different strokes for different folks, I gather................................Of course, it also must be stated that O'Reilly has at least a couple of advantages over Sonny. First of all, he has the herd-like/unending stupidity of America (well, a segment of it anyway) uncritically backing him. "We" frigging like the son-of-a-bitch, apparently. But even more important than that, I'm saying, he has an employer, Fox, who 1) absolutely refuses to reign him in and 2) demands nothing of him in terms of accountability. It's like, seriously, I don't even think that Cassius Clay himself could penetrate that defense. I mean, just ask the circus clowns and midgets..................................

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