Monday, January 21, 2008

Fun on the Slippery Slope

I have a question for you, Bill. What IF the only way we could get actionable intelligence (and, yes, I'm talking here about information that could potentially save thousands of lives) would be for us to dismember a dude, would that be O.K.? I mean, really, he's not giving it up with the water-boarding, etc.. DO WE....take it up a notch? I'm just asking, in that, yes, you said the the Republic could in fact survive water-boarding. Could it also survive dismembering a dude? I mean, come on, tell me. You are the frigging oracle, correct?..................................P.S. I'm not even saying, Bill, that it WOULD be wrong to annihilate the guy, given the scenario I provided to you. I just think it would be nice to get you on the record, that's all. I mean, you still are of the mindset that torture works, that we shouldn't get bogged down in theory, etc., aren't you? AREN'T YOU, BILL? Answer me.

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