Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Watch the Knee, Comrade

At this point, though, it actually might be a good idea to counsel those on the other side, as well. This, I'm saying, in that, sure, while we probably need to spend more of our capital on improving the infrastructure, it might also be stated that this simply is rarely the entire answer to a problem. I mean, I don't have to remind you, do I, of those four little magic words, "the bridge to nowhere"? And, besides, didn't the Bush administration/ the Republican congress just this past year sign a multi, MULTI, billion dollar highway bill - a bill that many of us who opposed the President for his deficit-spending habits lambasted the poor guy for? Not, of course, that this wasn't too little, too late for those who are in fact predisposed to bash the fellow, unconditionally (oh, my god, I'm Bill O'Reilly!). This, I'm saying, as opposed to me, who picks his battles reluctantly (though fiercely, when he picks them).

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