Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Fog of War, O'Reilly Style

Hey, Bill, have you heard about those 200,000 missing weapons in Iraq - weapons in fact that were supposed to used by the Iraqi military and police to fight the insurgency? I'm asking, well, because I haven't heard much about it on FOX and thought that maybe you guys over there were unaware of it....................I mean, it is a troubling story, right, in that it appears highly likely that many of those weapons have fallen into the hands of, hello!, the insurgents?! Oh, wait a minute, I see, there's a conflict here, huh? If you report about this on the "Factor", it makes, one, the military look bad, incompetent, inefficient, etc and, two, the Bush administration equally uber-foolish. And we certainly can't be having that at FOX News, now can we? Fool!!

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