Friday, June 1, 2007

Sanitized Romance

So, this country was founded on a Judea-Christian ethic, huh? Hmmm, I'm wondering, was this the same "ethic" that promulgated slavery, indentured servitude, the accumulation of children as chattel and cheap labor, 300 years of female disenfranchisement, the extermination of native peoples, sweat shops, Jim Crow laws, Japanese internment, the fire-bombing of Dresden, the decimation of our environment, the killing off of other species, etc.?.......I mean, don't get me wrong here. In many ways, we truly ARE a tremendous nation - with a system of government that has in fact allowed for a correction of many of these wrongs (a little late for the Indians, granted). But, really, to listen to fellows like O'Reilly, I cannot help BUT to think that, yeah, maybe a little Buddhism thrown into the mix might actually help the matter - mellow us out a little bit. That, and the fact that our freedom allows for it, I'm saying!! P.S. And, besides, weren't the founding fathers mostly along the lines of deists, skeptics pertaining to the resurrection, etc.? I'm asking.

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