Sunday, June 3, 2007

Looking for Trouble....and Finding it, Naturally

Let's see if I get this straight here, Bill. Because John Edwards has himself been financially successful, this somehow disqualifies him from speaking out on matters of economic justice (or, at least, what he perceives to be matters of economic justice)? It makes him a phony, no less? That's interesting. Of course, what's more-so...... in terms of curiosity is that, even WITH a fellow like Mitt Romney (Mr. life-long hunter, himself) on the Republican side, your inclination is clearly to call one of the leading Democrats the disingenuous one. Rather curious indeed, I'd have to say, Mr. self-proclaimed independent analytical one.................Oh, and as for Edwards's douche bag neighbors apparently not respecting the guy, seriously, do you honestly think that that's a pertinent issue to try and persecute/ crucify him on? This, I'm saying, in that, gee, I wonder what the people in your particular neighborhood would have to say about you....there, Bill - those of a different political persuasion/ economic strata, in particular.

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