Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Prison of Prisms

O.K., let's see if I've gotten this one straight, Bill. Even though you don't necessarily agree with Senator Luger's assessment that we need to start scaling back our troop presence in Iraq, you still respect his opinion on the subject matter. Gee, that's funny, in that, no, I can't seem to remember you saying anything resembling that when Congressman Murtha (what, a couple of years ago now?) said basically the same thing. In fact, I kinda' recall you saying all sorts of negative things about the Congressman; i.e., that he's a cut and runner, that he doesn't understand the geopolitical dynamics of the region (yeah, like you do), etc.. Hmmm, could it possibly be as simple as the fact that Luger's a Republican......and Murtha's, well, from that other political party? A blatantly partisan rationale, in other words?..............And, no, don't give me any of that bunk about Murtha having called for a precipitous withdrawal. Clearly, he did not. Nor, in fact (and, yes, while I have you on the line here), did he ever suggest that we redeploy our troops to Okinawa. Granted, he did mention Okinawa BUT ONLY AS A LAST RESORT (i.e., if Kuwait or the United Arab Emirates, say, said we couldn't use THEIR countries as a military base - THEIR COUNTRIES, Bill, their countries). And you have the audacity to complain about people quoting you out of context. Such an incredibly staunch bozo you are.

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