Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Numbers Don't Lie, Liars Lie

And you continue to play loose, too, and ever so fanciful with the facts, me-bucko. Granted, MSNBC has been covering Iraq 31% of the time (compared to 15% by Fox). But you, Bill, make it seem as if this coverage centers exclusively around explosions (the bomb de jour as you so dismissively call it), AND IT DOESN"T!! Only 10% of MSNBC's Iraq coverage (3% overall) focuses on the carnage of the conflict. The vast majority of the rest of it involves analysis. I mean, sure, it's probably not analysis that you agree with (this, though, you yourself have called Iraq a mess) but, I'm telling you there buddy-boy, there aren't a lot of people anywhere these days whose analysis you probably would like...........Take Joe Scarborough, for instance. This guy was firmly behind the war but, unlike the doctrinaire neocons (the legion of which is shrinking, mind you) who continue to insulate Bush, he's changed his assessment based on the facts. But, no, Joe Scarborough works for MSNBC and, therefore, he, too, must now be a member of the far-left media apparatus. It's ridiculous, I'm telling you.

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