Saturday, October 25, 2014

On the International Energy Agency's Emission Reduction Proposal Which Only Reduces the Percentage of People on the Planet Who Don't Have Electricity by 14%

I'm going to take a wild guess here and say that nobody on that committee resides in the developing world, and that they all undoubtedly piss their pants whenever there's so much as a five minute blackout....Fucking assholes.


  1. Too much of an echo of the depraved depths of the colonial era that reached from the 19th into the 20th century....

    As for your "wild guess" that "nobody [in the IEA] resides in the developing world", the list is member nations is easily found here:

    26 countries, almost all of them G8/G22 countries, with the main difference that the G22 is a lot more ethnically diverse, and gives more representation to the third world than the IEA does.

    So yes, it has too much of an uncomfortable echo of a century or so ago, when the great empires, mostly white, arrogantly visited destructive unworkable policies upon the third world.

  2. The ban on DDT and the boycott of GMOs are two additional burdens that we've placed on the people of the third world and the conclusion has been death.

  3. I completely agree with you on the GMO hysteria.

    All those with such irrational fears of GMO should stop eating corn... which was created through careful manipulation of the genes through efforts by Native Americans from a wild grass.

    If stuff has GMO in it, label it. But don't ban it.

  4. GMO's, or genetically modified organisms should most definitely be clearly labeled as dmarks. Personally whenever known me and the misses stay away from GMO foods. Restaurants should also be required to state on their menus all GMO's used in their establishments. The goddamned hormones and other things used in GMO's are effecting us and not always in positive ways.


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