Friday, October 24, 2014

On Ducky (Over at Les's Site) Referring to People Such as Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Gregory Meeks, Barbara Boxer, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Alan Grayson, Bernie Sanders, Barnie Frank (Yes, I Know, He's Retired), Keith Ellison, Henry Waxman, Adam Schiff, John Conyers, Etc., Etc., as "Nice Polite Conservatives"

That just might be the most delusional and brain-diseased comment of recent memory, folks. I mean, I had always thought that this dude was a little bit out there but this is seriously insane and I challenge the people here - name me one sane, fair-minded, and sentient human being who would have ever uttered such an off-the-charts and bizarre statement like this? I certainly can't think of one (even low-ball jammers like Octopus and wd know that these folks aren't conservative).


  1. Yes, of course you are correct. In conventional thinking. But what's Ducky's frame of reference? Do we know? Or are we locked in conventional thought?

    Ducky is unconventional. So he thinks outside of the box. Sometimes WAY outside of the box.

    Think of past leaders who have been more "liberal" than those mentioned. Don't limit yourself to just the domestic scene.


  2. My feeling, Les, is that both sides have moved from the center and, while, yeah, maybe the Republicans have moved more-so, Waters, Grayson, Waxman, and Pelosi sure ain't Proxmire, Nunn, DeConcini, and Glenn by a long shot.

  3. Agree on that Will.

    I always liked Nunn abd Glenn and Promises weren't far behind.

  4. Ellison is Hamas' man in Congress.

  5. This Damon new smart phone is so sly I guess I'm going to have to proof read three times.

    It changed Proxmire to Promises twice. If it doesn't recognize a word it just goes ahead and selects one that is close that it does.

    That's artificial intelligence for you. Or is it "FreeThinke."

  6. Adam Schiff was my congressman for a while and he is a blue dog, but Waters, not so much!

  7. Ellison went on Hannity and I actually found myself rooting for Hannity. That's bad.............I figured that it was Proxmire, Les. The Golden Fleece Award 'member that?............I stand corrected, Jerry. It's just that I saw him once or twice and he seemed a little unhinged. His voting record is probably a little more centrist.

    1. Will:Ellison is deep in with terrorists, and he worships Farrakhan too. A real nut job.

  8. RN's observation regarding 'frame of reference may be valid. Consider compared to Joe McCarthy,
    George Wallace, Pat Robertson, etc. Further some 'frames of reference' have Eisenhower anywhere from RINO to commie.

  9. You can use whatever reference that you like. There is no way that anybody is going to convince me that Waters, Pelosi, Schultz, Sanders, Boxer, Frank, Grayson, Waxman, Conyers, and Ellison are anything even remotely resembling conservative, never mind polite.

    1. Ducky has a rock solid long as you ignore actual Dems, almost none of which are conservative and some of which are rude.

  10. I actually had to read it 2, 3 times just to make sure but, yep, he did say it.

  11. Heard a newscast a couple days back that mentioned Elisabeth Warren as "unapoligetically liberal". Trying to figure out
    if being liberal is something that needs apologizing these days.

  12. He's a good guy. Hope he reads this and responds. A reasonable discussion, without would-be bomb throwers tossing annoying firecrackers into it.

  13. By the way, Alan Grayson, on your list, is said to be behind in the polls. It's a good thing, showing that sometimes if you campaign on intentions to attack, steal from, and take away the rights of the electorate, you just might lose.

    Greyson is the type of politician, that if he were operating in Syria or 1990s Republika Srpska, he'd be commkanding militia to snuff out his opponents. He's that bad.


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