Thursday, October 23, 2014

Note to Fox New's John Stossel

Fella', please, stop having these ridiculous debates with Bill O'Reilly about legalizing marijuana. You will never, ever, EVER, EVER, convince him that grown-up adults should be able to make their own decisions as to what they put into their own frigging bodies. He's a moralist and an individual totally incapable of seeing the other side (always pointing to the supposed unintended consequences of legalization while never even acknowledging those of the "drug war"), and why a smart individual like you would be so consistently willing (yeah, I know, Fox is paying you) to bang his head against the wall (the next nuanced position by O'Reilly will probably be his first) is inexplicable to to me. It truly is.


  1. On the other hand, do you really want Stossel to stop strongly presenting this view on the Fox Network?

    He might not convince Billo one iota.... but imagine the effect this might have on less hidebound, less ideologically-straitjacketed individuals who watch Fox News.

  2. Yep, love Stossel. But he's doing this for the paycheck. He knows convincing O'Reilly of individual liberty is like pissing up a rope.

  3. More student athlete scandals. Seems endemic, IMO. I tutored a HS guard and always wondered how he
    went on, led his college team and
    got a DEGREE. That was fifty frick'n years ago!

  4. Stossel and the Leprauchan are both consistent. However, the Leprauchan lacks the scope Stossel has.

    I'm thinking the Leprauchan knocks back a few now and again and sees no issue with that.

    Alcoholism cost untold lives, destroys families, costs billions in lost productivity and health related issues, is the cause of violent death ir severe injury due to anger, and more. Have we heard from the Leprauchan on this social issue?


  5. That is a really excellent point, dmarks. Just not sure that I could watch another segment of it.......I hope that they're paying him a lot, CI. Dude deserves it.......Not at all, Les, and not a word about the failure of prohibition, either.

  6. I had known about the football situation at UNC, BB, but, yeah, it appears that the supposedly squeaky clean Roy Williams and the basketball program were knee-deep, too. Yikes, huh?............And God only knows what those SEC programs are up to.


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