Monday, February 22, 2010

Gracious Under Fire

I think that Michelle Obama has been an excellent first lady (as I did as well her predecessor, Laura Bush). The woman is smart, classy, and has, at least from what I can gather, always conducted herself with dignity (and, yes, folks, I include here all the excellent work she's been doing, too; support for military families, her initiative on childhood obesity, etc.). I mean, yes, I know that she had a gaffe (or two) during the campaign and all but, please/come on, that was pretty damn near two years ago. Is there not at least a statute of limitations here? I definitely think that there should be...................................................................................................Oh, and, yeah, that goes double for you, Sean Hannity.


IrOnY RaGeD said...

You talking about the linebacker Will?

When is she going to get that overbite fixed? Surely they have enough money now...

Teeluck said...

You are gracious sir...

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Volt, you must be referring to those pythons of hers. As for the overbite, I guess that that's an aquired taste. Me, I kind of like it!

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Thank you, Teeluck.