Tuesday, August 20, 2024

On the Fact that if Price Controls Didn't Work for Diocletian (a Person of Standing and Not a Dolt) In the Early 4th Century, the Odds of Them Working for the Ignorant and Inept Kamala Harris Are......What Exactly (They Also Didn't Work for Hoover and Nixon but I Was Striving for a More Distinct Contrast)?

  And it's such a stupid idea that even the New York Times (or Maybe it Was the Washington Post, Can't Remember) and CNN schmucks have been blasting Ms. Harris. I mean, yeah, they're still gonna' try and get her elected if it means keeping Trump out of office and shaming her away from socialism certainly helps in getting that done. As to whether Harris gets that message and modifies her views, couldn't tell ya', can't get inside her head. Thank God.

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