Wednesday, May 22, 2024

To the Surface-Thinking Malcontents Who Penned "The 1619 Project"

 Yes, those 20-something sub-Saharan Africans who came to North America as slaves in 1619 unquestionably lived a short and brutal life but you know who else did, try 99.99% of human life on the planet back then; Scottish indentured servants in Nova Scotia, serfs from China and India, railroaded prisoners in European jails, white Europeans enslaved by the Barbary Pirates, black slaves taken elsewhere (the Middle-East, Caribbean, and Other Parts of Africa), victims of the bubonic plague, young English street urchins, etc.. I mean, I get it that your primary goal here is to corner the market on historical injustices and all but, please, show a little humility and act like a damned grownup as it's well......past......time.   

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