Wednesday, May 15, 2024

On My Latest Pastime, Channeling the Idiots Who Gifted Us "The 1619 Project"

  Here's just one example - "Hey guys, I've got this awesome idea. Let's pick out a handful of 17th, 18th, and early 19th century white folks, judge their deeds according to 21st century sensibilities, provide zero context, show a total disregard for basic economics, and then completely ignore the barbarism perpetrated by the groups who we've inaccurately and condescendingly pigeonholed as victims. Of course we won't reach total nirvana until we get our fantasy published somewhere like, I don't know, The New York Times, maybe. Anybody got connections? What's that, Nikole does, great!!"............I've actually got a couple more but being that you've probably gotten the idea, peace out for now.  

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