Monday, May 6, 2024

On the Fact that Prior to European Colonization Many African Areas Already Were Under Alien Rule, it Just Happened to Under the Auspices of Their Fellow Black Africans

Yeah, this is where the woke morons really fall on their face, this whole idea that black Africans, Native-Americans, Middle-Easterners, South Asians, etc. were all living in perfect harmony until those big, bad white Europeans obliterated their Nirvana. It's ludicrous and if anything the lives of these colonized groups improved dramatically by ending slavery, improving health outcomes, providing protection from rival clans, establishing the institutions necessary for democracy, etc.......and, while, yes, there were certainly atrocities, too, they a) happened in both directions and b) have been greatly exaggerated for decades (the shit about Cortes and Columbus, especially). I get it that a lot of people are hugely invested (financially AND emotionally) in this victim culture shit but we're playing with fire and it's well past time to put out those flames.

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