Tuesday, May 28, 2024

On the Fact that if I Had Told My Liberal Buddies 40 Years Ago that the Left Would One Day Be in Favor of Proxy Wars with Nuclear Powers, Political Prosecutions, Rampant Censorship, Policies that Make Big Pharma Wealthier than They Already Are, Collusion with Major Conglomerates, an Overarching Security State, Open Borders, Forced Injections (Experimental Biological Agents, No Less) and Biological Males Beating the Snot Out School Girls In Sporting Events, They Would Have Asked Me What I Was Smoking (Which We Did a Lot of Back Then)

I was going to say something about the looking glass but being that we've already smashed it into a gazillion pieces and left it in the dust, gotta' go to plan B, I guess (if only I had one).

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