Tuesday, March 26, 2024

On Yet Another Orwellian Law from Canada, this One Asserting that Individuals Who Spout Views Supportive of Genocide Should Be Eligible for a Life Sentence

  Not particularly great at connecting dots but I think that I can handle this one. a) Canada's left-wing officials have been calling Israel's war to annihilate Hamas a "genocide against the Palestinian people (a ludicrous charge that no sane individual would entertain for a split second......but I digress). b) A great many Canadians support Israel. And c) this new law gives Trudeau and his fellow slants a golden opportunity to punish their fellow Canadians for wrong think.
  Thankfully America has a First Amendment to protect us from evil shits like Trudeau 'cause you know that if we didn't, the Biden regime would be tossing us in prison for all sorts of contrarian views and justifying it with Orwellian double-speak like "misinformation", "keeping us safe", etc.. Of course, if they keep importing third-worlders who could give a shit about our Bill of Rights, deep-sixing any of the ten is well within their grasp.  

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