Wednesday, December 27, 2023

On When Does the Left Go too Far?

1) Government colluding with big tech companies to censor American citizens simply for diverging from the left's increasingly dystopian world-view - seemingly not. 2) Allowing denizens of the city to defecate in public - seemingly not. 3) Something called, the Green New Deal, a policy proposal that if implemented would lead to millions of deaths and not accomplish a frigging thing, climate-wise - seemingly not. 4) Post-birth abortions - seemingly not. 5) Wide open borders - seemingly not. 6) Non-stop identity politics, anti-white vitriol, and critical race theory - seemingly not. 7) Preferred pronouns and 77 (or thereabouts, I'm losing track) genders - seemingly not. 8) Gender-affirming care for children (mutilating and poisoning, essentially) - seemingly not. 9) Student loan forgiveness unilaterally put forth by the President - seemingly not. 10) A disinformation board run by a total lunatic (they pulled the plug on this bullshit but rest assured, it'll be back) - seemingly not. 11) Free pre-school and community college for everyone (nothing is free and we already have way too many idiots in college not acquiring bankable skills)  - seemingly not. 12) Having police stand down as hoodlums torch multiple U.S. cities - seemingly not. 13) Allowing biological men to compete against women in numerous sporting events (including MMA) - seemingly not. 14) Defunding the police (Peppermint Patty actually tried to blame the Republicans for this because they wouldn't vote for one of Biden's boondoggles) - seemingly not. 15) Permitting people to steal $999.99 in merchandise before you prosecute them - seemingly not. 16) Hate speech laws (just like Europe because as we all know Europe is so much more enlightened than we are). 17) Drag-queen story-hour and family-friendly drag-shows - seemingly not.......To be continued, I'm certain.

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