Saturday, December 30, 2023

On the Fact that They're Still Arguing that Trump Used Fiery Rhetoric to Incite the Violence On January 6th (Peaceful and Patriotic Is Considered Inflammatory These Days, I Guess), this Despite the Fact that the Newly Released Video Clearly Shows that it Was the Police Who Initiated the Violence by Using Flashbangs, Rubber Bullets, Paint Guns, Tear Gas, and Concussion Grenades - ( - Forward to the 54 Minute Mark)

 This whole keeping Trump off the ballot nonsense reeks of desperation, and the fact that they're not even trying to hide it makes it even more blatant. Of course with the media running cover for 'em 24/7 and the level of Trump derangement in the general populace still running rampant, the price to pay will likely be zero. Again.

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