Thursday, December 14, 2023

Historian, Benny Morris, On Palestinians "Never Missing Opportunities to Miss Opportunities"

   "One of the characteristics of the Palestinian national movement has been the Palestinians' view of themselves as perpetual victims of others - Ottoman Turks, British officials, Zionists, Americans - and and to never appreciate that they are, at least in part, victims of their own mistakes and iniquities............they never set a foot wrong; their misfortunes are always the fault of others. The inevitable corollary of thsi refusal to recognize their own historical agency has been a perpetual Palestinian whining - that, I fear, is the apt term - to the outside world to save them from what is usually their own fault." April, 2003.
   Trust me, I don't enjoy getting involved in these overseas dumpster fires. I also don't have a problem with people criticizing Israel and their specific policies but enough already with this incessant hand-wringing about the Palestinians being victims. They're not. Not in 1937 (with the Peel Commission), 1947 (with the U.N. partition plan), 2001 (with the generous offer from Ehud Barak and President Clinton), 2005 (when Israel completely vacated Gaza), 2008 (with an even better proposal from Ehud Olmert), and most definitely not on October 7th of this year when they went on one of most egregious killing sprees in recent memory. 
   And what about the millions of other stateless people on the planet? How come they don't get any love from the usual suspects of Israel haters? I kinda' have my suspicions but I'd much rather hear the reasoning from them.  

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