Monday, November 20, 2023

On Jewish Populations In Muslim Countries - Recent Tallies

  Lebanon - 29, Syria - 4, Iran - 9,200, Iraq - 4, Oman - 0, Yemen - 7, Algeria - 200, Egypt - 10, Libya - 0, Morocco - 2,100, Tunisia - 1,000 -
  Contrast this with the Jewish state of Israel in which 2,100,000 Arabs (84% of whom are Muslim) representing 21% of the population live and have more rights than Muslims posses in virtually all of the surrounding Muslim countries.
  As to why I'm bringing this up, it's certainly not because I'm a down-the-line backer of Israel (I hate Netanyahu, do not support the settlements, and still have a grudge over the U.S.S. Liberty). My goal is strictly to push back against the noxious Israel derangement that's coming from the hard left and certain segments of the Libertarian movement (Scott Horton in particular has disappointed me). They're literally more pissed at Israel than they are at the savages who started this shit (to the point of taking whatever Hamas shits out as gospel), and this was before Israel even fired a bullet!! Yes, we can and should criticize the Israelis but now? Really?  

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