Friday, October 27, 2023

On Some Idiot Tranny On TikTok Accusing Israel of Perpetrating a Genocide On the Palestinian Arabs, Which if True Would Be the First Genocide In World History Where the Population of the Alleged Victims Shot Up Exponentially

 Compare this to the Armenian genocide at the hands of the Turkish Muslims in the early 20th Century where close 2,000,000 Armenians (not to mention hundreds of thousands of Assyrians and Greeks) were either slaughtered, victims of a death march (part of the Turks' ethnic cleansing policy leading to an ethno-state), or starved to death. Granted, her not knowing this isn't entirely her fault in that the colleges these days seem to focus only on the atrocities of white Europeans......and being that the Muslims are now the heavyweight champions of oppressed groups, it isn't surprising her level of ignorance on this stuff. Not even a little.

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