Sunday, October 1, 2023

On Sean Hannity Saying that Putin Ordered the Indiscriminate Slaughtering of Ukrainian Children

 So, kind of like Saddam Hussein's goons pulling Kuwaiti children out of incubators and bayoneting them, Assad gassing his own citizens when he had no motivation whatsoever to do so, Iraq possessing WMD (replete with frightening images of a mushroom cloud), Russia detonating its own pipeline, the North Vietnamese attacking a U.S. vessel in the Gulf of Tonkin, Israel's bombing of the U.S.S. Liberty being a simple mistake, those idiotic claims of arming "moderate rebels" in Syria, the riots of 2020 being a "myth" (Jerry Nadler's retarded assessment), etc., in other words. That kind of shit.......Kinda' figured. 

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