Tuesday, August 22, 2023

On the Young Idiot Girl Who's Playing Snow White In Disney's Latest Bastardization of a Beloved Classic (In Which Snow White's a Person of Color and the Seven Dwarfs Aren't Dwarfs at All but Rather a Hodge Podge of Individuals from Various "Marginal Groups") Shitting All Over the Original Movie Because it Was Produced In the 1930s, a Period, According to Her, When Everybody Was Either a Parochial Ham and Egger or an Unenlightened Racist

Yes, there were numerous problems in the 1930s (even setting aside the Depression) and yet it was also an era in which F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote "Tender Is the Night", John Do Passos wrote "U.S.A.", Aaron Copeland composed "El Salon Mexico", Edward Hopper painted "New York Movie", Arnold Schoenberg composed "Violin Concerto Opus 36", Georgia O'Keefe painted "Summer Days", Ernest Hemingway wrote "To Have and Have Not", John Steinbeck wrote "The Grapes of Wrath", and George Gershwin composed "Porgy and Bess"......and when mutilating and poisoning children wasn't on anyone's radar. Just for some perspective.  

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