Wednesday, August 23, 2023

On the Overwhelming Likelihood that the Deep State Will Once Again Attempt to Gin Up Covid Hysteria and Reinstitute the Same Fascist Measures that They Did for the Last Election (Vaccine Mandates, Lockdowns, Social Distancing, Travel Restrictions, Mask Mandates, School Closures, etc.), Zero of Which Had Any Basis In Science and Were Only Put Forth to Create Fear, Chaos, and a Rationale to a) Keep Biden Hidden In His Basement, b) Destroy Trump's Economy (this Time it's Biden's Economy so They Had Best Go Gingerly On this One), and c) Distribute Millions of Main-In Ballots with Questionable Chain of Custody

 Please, don't fall for this shit again. My suggestion is that we simply not comply. I mean, what, they're gonna' arrest us all? Come on, time to grow up and use our critical thinking. We still possess some, right?

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