Wednesday, July 19, 2023

On the Democratic Party Rapidly Becoming the Party of - Open Borders, Proxy Wars, Censorship, the U.S. Security State, the Intelligence Community, Compelled Speech, Coddling Criminals, Nonstop Identity Politics, Mutilating and Sexualizing Children, Biological Men Competing In and In Many Instances Dominating Female Sports, Anti-Asian Bigotry, Civilian Disarmament, Cronyism, Collective Attribution, Post Birth Abortions, Reparations, Endless Affirmative Action Dripping with Paternalism, and Court Packing

And the silence from supposedly sane and principled liberals is rather noticeable, wouldn't you say (yeah, there are a few speaking out; Matt Taibbi, Aaron Mate, Tulsi Gabbard, and Glenn Greenwald, for example, but clearly not enough)?  

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