Monday, May 29, 2023

On Douche-Bag Obama Yet Again Giving a Speech In Which He Calls for (Circuitously, as Is His Penchant) Censorship of Information and Viewpoints that Run Counter to His Plethora of Moronic, Dystopian, and Bullshit Ideas

It also sounded a great deal like confession through projection in that he never once mentioned Trump/Russia collusion, the pee-pee tape, the Hunter Biden laptop being Russian disinformation, Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton talking about grand-kids and golf, Adam Schiff lying through his butt-crack for 5 effing years, Officer Sicknick being murdered by Trump supporters on January 6th, the 8,465 government and media falsehoods about covid (from hydroxychloroquine being a deadly drug to the covid vaccine stopping transmission), the Covington Catholic kids acting like evil little shits, and most recently psychopath John Brennan saying that Russia blew to shreds its damned pipeline!!!!! Of course when you litter your speech with a shitload of pregnant pauses for effect, hard to include everything, I guess.

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