Monday, February 27, 2023

On the Fact that, Gee, What a Shock, All of this Leftist Drivel About Trump Being to Blame for the Ohio Train Derailment Is Pure Partisan Bullshit -

The claim is that Trump scrapped rules that would have required new electric breaking technology on trains carrying large a quantity of hazardous materials. Sounds bad but what these shameless idiots fail to tell you is that a) Mr. Biden had two years to reinstate these rules but refused to (wisely actually in that a cost-benefit analysis showed few real world benefits) and b) NTSB Chairwoman, Jennifer Homendy, herself argued that the rule wouldn't have applied to the Norfolk Southern train in that this rule only pertained to high hazard flammable trains, not mixed freight trains such as the one in Ohio. Look, I get it, they want to destroy Trump but just flat-out lying like this, not a good look at all (especially if you've been at it for seven damned years).

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